Wow, I had quite a lapse there! I have to say I've been negligent due to a few things. First, about 2 months ago, I discovered FACEBOOK. Ug. Talk about something sucking you in! It's not just the catching up on everyone you know, knew or are related too. They have games too. Suck you in games where you can only play for a short while and then you have to come back to play some more. I have to admit some days I was there every hour on the hour, trying to get to the next level. Yikes. Like I don't have enough to do with my busy life, 4 kids, moving and all that! SO I've gotten over the facebook thing. now I only go on when I have something to announce or to reach out to family for birthdays and such. Speaking of which... guess who just turned one!!! Yup! Grace Kathryn is One! or Gracie Kate. Here's a Pic!
So Yesterday we had quite the storm...the remnants of that Japanese Typhoon hit my part of California yesterday and it was a pretty good storm! Our beautiful Trellis in the front yard, that my Dad built was taken out by wind. It was covered with a thick trumpet vine that apparently was about all that was holding up the rotted out posts. That plus the fact that the leaves were so thick, when the wind got under it, up it went halfway across the yard. The hubby chopped it all up and cleaned up the mess right away, in the pouring rain, because my parents were coming over for dinner and he was worried that it would upset my mom. She was a bit sad about it, I think, but I'm sure it helped that she didn't have to look at the wreckage! Thanks honey!
On other notes, I have been reading and stitching. Check out my crafty blog for that update. As for books I've been reading a bit, two of my favorite authors, Patricia Briggs and Vicki Peterson. Both have good series and the latest installments don't disappoint! I love Patricia Brigg's characters and her Alpha Omega Series is full of memorable ones. Vicki Peterson's Zodiac series is really cool and unlike most stuff out there. Her main character is an angsty dark gal who becomes a superhero. She fights the Dark side in modern day Las Vegas and her alter ego is a rich society bimbo al la Paris Hilton. It's funny and quirky and all about good vs evil. Love it! I just had a friend turn me on to Madelyn Alt and I've read 3 in her Bewitching Mystery series. The main character is funny and relate-able. The mystery part isn't very complicated so don't expect to be stumped til the end, but Ms. Alt is methodical about doling out the clues, so that is a fun read. I particularly enjoy these because of the undercurrent discussion the main character is having with herself, coming to terms with her strict catholic upbringing and the realities of the 'magickal world'. Religion is a hot spot for me, so I particularly enjoy self explorations and discovery of that nature. More on THAT on another day. Also I am toying with doing some TV show reviews, I am becoming more of a TV watcher than I have been in the past and am really enjoying a handful of shows lately. Perhaps I will talk about them a bit in a future post.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
1 month ago
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