New Year's Resolutions. I love new beginnings but I have to admit, I don't know that I've ever made a new years resolution that I kept. Maybe it's because I have too much ambition or I'm unrealistic, but they always seem to go by the side fairly quickly. This year I've resolved to do something a bit different! I'm following the plan in this book: Simple Steps: 10 Weeks to Getting Control of Your Life: Health, Weight, Home, Spirit. The idea behind the book is that each week you have a new habit to incorporate into your life for each of the 4 sections. So each week you learn a new habit to improve your health, a new one to help you loose weight, something new to improve you home (mostly organization) and a habit to heal your spirit. Having a newborn, I'm not sure if that is too big of a bite for me, 4 new habits each week, so I'm going to spread it out more and do 1 or 2 habits a week. That way it will spread out for 20 to 40 weeks, at least half the year. I do plan on really focusing on each thing until it is truly incorporated into my life and I will be discussing each step in my blog in detail. The why, the how, and the success or failure of each step. I would love to share this with others so if you'd like to join in, please feel free to email me or post a comment here and we'll encourage each other.
So where to start? Well the book lists these four for the first week: Drinking eight cups of water a day, walking twenty minutes a day, clearing out one drawer, cabinet or closet space every week and saving two dollars a day. I'm going to keep it simple and start at the beginning. Eight cups of water a day. We all know that we should do this, but it can be a hard habit to establish. i know that I have tried this one before and I have a tendency to get busy and just forget to drink anything, much less my water. So how can I make sure I do it? Well, I'm going to drink out of something special. I like my water ice cold, so I've got one of those metal water bottles that I will use. It's 16 ounces, so I only have to fill it up 4 times a day. I'm going to try and look for times that I can make it a habit to drink from it. Take it in the car with me; drink while I'm at the computer LOL!(reading blogs)Make sure it's next to me when I sit down to nurse or when I get a moment to stitch. I'm trying to quit drinking soda, so the water will be my substitute for that. Did you know that if you drink one cola a day, that at the end of one year you'll have gained 10 lbs? That's the reality of why I am overweight. I love soda, particularly Coke and I can drink 3 or 4 a day without even trying. :) That's a habit to break instead of start! So here we are
Week one, Simple Step number one: Drink eight cups of water a day!